Thanks to Apple, Microsoft and Google who joined the mobile war with their innovation armies in these years, the mobile market has entered its golden era which a massive amount of brands from vastly different industries are seeking for their application existence in this extremely profitable market, thus increasing the need for resources of sketching, wireframing and prototyping in application development.
Unlike sketching and wireframing, most customers will likely to have a realistic glimpse on what should be the final product in the prototyping stage. To make your prototyping presented really nice before the judgmental eyes of clients, we have listed out 31 mobile devices prototyping templates which included famous iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7, in different software formats.
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Unlike sketching and wireframing, most customers will likely to have a realistic glimpse on what should be the final product in the prototyping stage. To make your prototyping presented really nice before the judgmental eyes of clients, we have listed out 31 mobile devices prototyping templates which included famous iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7, in different software formats.
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