UI Deploy

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Understanding Basics of UI Design Pattern MVC, MVP and MVVM

This is my first article and I hope you will like it. After reading this article, you will have a good understanding about "Why we need UI design pattern for our application?" and "What are basic differences between different UI patterns (MVC, MVP, MVVP)?”.

In traditional UI development - developer used to create a View using window or usercontrol or page and then write all logical code (Event handling, initialization and data model, etc.) in code behind and hence they were basically making code as a part of view definition class itself. This approach increased the size of my view class and created a very strong dependency between my UI and data binding logic and business operations. In this situation, no two developers can work simultaneously on the same view and also one developer's changes might break the other code. So everything is in one place is always a bad idea for maintainability, extendibility and testability prospective. So if you look at the big picture, you can feel that all these problems exist because there is a very tight coupling between the following items.

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