Simple Morphing Search Dec 15, 2014 A simple effect idea for a search input that morphs into a fullscreen overlay. The idea is to enlarge the search input and show some relevant content or search results. view source Advertisement More Similar PostsBeyond design trends: Timeless user interface techniquesPerfecting navigation for the mobile web 29 Eye-Catching Art Deco Fonts51 Material UI Design Concepts For InspirationMotion with Meaning: Semantic Animation in Interface DesignHow Good UX Can Make Your Users SaferUsing iAd to Display Banner Ad in Your AppTransducers in PHP Made EasyQuick Tip: Function Expressions vs Function DeclarationsEpic UX Fails (and the Lessons We Can Learn)JavaScript Testing: Unit vs Functional vs Integration TestsDevelopers' Perceptions about AngularJSQuick Tip: Build a Video Player Component in ReactWhy a JavaScript Engine? [Presentation]Facebook Like GIF Preview Using jQuerySaving Bandwidth with Chrome’s Data SaverWhy React? Why not Angular 2?Embedding Google Maps using MarkupDrag and Drop File UploadingCyclomatic complexity refactoring tips for javascript developers