UX: A Link In The Product Life Cycle Chain
User Experience (UX) seems to have recently become ‘trendy’ (and I mean this in a disapproving sense.) It all happened because effectively UX has become a vaguely defined buzzword. UX should be thought of and referred to as a specifically defined and equally important part of a product life cycle chain. In this article I would like to address the concept of a product life cycle and the UX element of it.
User Experience (UX) seems to have recently become ‘trendy’ (and I mean this in a disapproving sense.) It all happened because effectively UX has become a vaguely defined buzzword. UX should be thought of and referred to as a specifically defined and equally important part of a product life cycle chain. In this article I would like to address the concept of a product life cycle and the UX element of it.
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